Thursday, October 13, 2005


for some inexplicable reason, i'm feeling happy now.. just like how last friday, after i met debs and then decided to head over for lydia's dinner, all of a sudden, i was just woooshed.. washed over by inexplicable happiness.. i don't know why.. maybe it's because it was the weekend. last week was just looonngggggg, and i was bogged down by the doesnt-seem-to-be-ending-renovation-of the-new-house... next week, if all goes well, we may actually get to move!!*bounces* a totally bad bad time to move house for me, being in the midst of my 4 projects and 1 term paper. but, oh well, i'll let next 2 weeks worry for themselves..

ok, i realise i'm sounding a little incoherent. but, i'm actually very happy with today's cg. it was one of the few sessions that i actually ended cg feeling very light. i think it's because i was so pleased by justina's surprise visit. sometimes, when i rattle of to my friends, i wonder if they ever listen. that's why i would rather they talk, and i listen. so i was really pleasantly surprised when justina remembered that there was cg on thurs. heh. after a ghost call on my hp, which i swear is going bonkers..

it just brings me immense joy when the people around me, the people whom i love are brought one step closer to God. heh. and oh.. i'm also very very glad to see raymond coming for cg each week. and meisi, i must take my hat off to you. i realise i'm too subtle. dropping hints DOESN'T work. all you need is a meisi to ask you directly and then, ya. *swoosh* you hear the arrow flying through the air. i must learn that. perhaps, over the years, i fear coming on too hard on people because of certain bad experiences. but, i guess i need to have more confidence. and i think that's something i really need to learn. oh well. ok, have to go do my south asian tut now..

it's the weekend tomorrow!!

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